“Trauma informed” does not mean “Attachment trauma informed.”

iCARE4 Adoptive And Foster Families was formed by a group of parents, educators and professionals who believe in the power of love, families, compassion and inclusion. 

We believe adoption can provide a profound blueprint for our world–unconditional love, grace, compassion and inclusive embrace. Through adoption we can see a world where every individual is valued, cherished and empowered to flourish. What is often overlooked in our children’s stories is that the first chapter started with great grief and loss. 

Our adoptive, foster and kinship children have missed that merging of heartbeats and rhythms in the first nine months of the miracle of forming life and the first year of cuddles and kisses and ever-knowings of patterns to establish that bond of trust with the people who now want desperately to love them and heal their wounds. Our kids are survivors and in surviving they develop unique ways of thinking and adapting. The reality is that the trauma of their early childhood experiences lies deep within them and healing those bonds of trust take a lifetime.

This is never more apparent than when our children reach school age. The demands of academics, homework, social media and navigating friendships puts added pressure on their already heightened nervous systems. Add in continuing systemic traumas that foster children face due to multiple placements in different homes and schools, world events like Covid, school shootings and war — they become overwhelmed. Parents and caregivers see them struggle and seek out private and school mental health services, but still outcomes are poor. 

Despite adoptive, foster and kinship children making up 15% of our school population, there is no information on their unique needs addressed in current PD training for teachers or in mental health training for counselors, social workers and psychologists.

iCARE4 Adoptive And Foster Families is out to change that!

We want an All Hands On Deck Effort to UNITE against trauma and help these kids feel the love of their families, succeed in school and go on to have friends and family of their own and to become all who they were meant to be. They are amazing, wonderful kids who just had a hard start in life. 

Through a shared perspective by parents, teachers, professionals and leaders with training, collaboration and support we can change the future for these kids! 

iCARE4 Adoptive And Foster Families will offer curated training in ONE HUB for access to the latest information, programs, webinars, support groups and training programs based on foundational principles and best-practices for supporting children affected by attachment trauma no matter where they live.

“Every interaction with a child is an opportunity for connection.”

We believe in strong families, compassionate trained professionals and mental health codes and policies based on recommended best practices. 

The first chapter of our children’s stories may be tough, but all of us, united, can provide a happy ending!

Join us in transforming the future for adopted, foster and kinship children!

We Believe in:

  • Building strong, loving, stable families
  • Healing through relationships
  • Supporting relationships with parents and caregivers
  • Collaboration between school support teams, treatment professionals and parents
  • School and government mental health policies based on trauma informed best practices

Our Pillars are:

  • Family
  • Hope
  • Compassion
  • Partnership
  • Empowerment
  • Resiliency
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TBRI® Fall Virtual Online Training

ANY parents of kids and caregivers who’ve had trauma — take a FREE, VIRTUAL TBRI® training offered for the first time in the evenings (Tuesday from 5:30-7:00, Sept. 24th – Dec. 17th), with trained therapists from The Baby Fold in Illinois. A zoom link will be sent to registered attendees closer to class time along with manuals for each section.