The Sequoia Family adoption support group has been a blessing to me! We adopted two older children from an Eastern European country in 2022 and are grateful for the shared experiences of the group. Friends and family who have not adopted look at us and see a beautiful story, without understanding or appreciating the challenges of blending a family of bio and adopted kids or the uniqueness of raising kids who spent many formative years in a very different environment. The insights and helpful tips we get from the group, plus the knowledge that we are not in this alone has been comforting.”​

Illinois Adoptive Mom

Sequoia Families is a non-denominational adoptive family support community that serves all domestic and international adoptive families, at all stages of the adoption experience in the northern Chicagoland and Illinois area. The name “Sequoia Families” comes from Sequoia trees which grow up to 300 ft. despite having a shallow root system. The Sequoia tree survives by entwining its roots with the other trees for strength and support. In the same way, adoptive families also do not have a strong root system but can grow strong with the support and love from other adoptive families.

Adoption can be beautiful and miraculous, complex and courageous. We provide education to equip you and a community to encourage you. Sequoia Families allows you to put on your own oxygen mask to allow you to maintain your focus and find strength to steer your family through the storms. We support and celebrate your unique and wondrous families.

What is a Sequoia Family meeting like?

Sequoia Family parents meet in-person to cover a book or topic related to the adoption experience and can include workshops, speakers, resources and discussion. Meetings run from 6:30-7:30pm along with parent social time and connection from 7:30-8pm. Snacks and water is provided.

Virtual meetings are more casual and continue our discussions, while providing more connection and personal support.

Is Sequoia Families open to any adoptive family?

Any adoptive family from any church can attend Sequoia Family meetings. Adoptive families are diverse- single parents, married parents and kids adopted domestically, internationally and many with special needs. We welcome all families formed by adoption and there is no charge to join.

When and Where do Sequoia Families meet?

Sequoia Family parents meet in person the first Wednesday of every month in person at Christ Church, Lake Forest, 100 Waukegan Rd., from 6:30-8pm and virtually by Google Meets on the third Wednesday of every month 6:30-7:30pm.

Is Sequoia Families open to any adoptive family?

Any adoptive family from any church can attend Sequoia Family meetings. Adoptive families are diverse- single parents, married parents and kids adopted domestically, internationally and many with special needs. We welcome all families formed by adoption and there is no charge to join.

How do I join Sequoia Families?

Joining is easy!

Contact Laura Adams,

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Hours :
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TBRI® Fall Virtual Online Training

ANY parents of kids and caregivers who’ve had trauma — take a FREE, VIRTUAL TBRI® training offered for the first time in the evenings (Tuesday from 5:30-7:00, Sept. 24th – Dec. 17th), with trained therapists from The Baby Fold in Illinois. A zoom link will be sent to registered attendees closer to class time along with manuals for each section.