Connecting you and your family with support

Adoption can be beautiful and miraculous, complex and courageous, and as anything God ordained, a sacrifice—humbling and hard. Sequoia Families allows you to put on your own oxygen mask to allow you to maintain your focus and find the ways to steer your family through the storms. We provide education, emotional support and celebration for your unique and wondrous families. Anyone who has adopted from foster care or kinship, or in the process of adopting.

Group teen support can be helpful to have comfort, community and understanding. You will meet other teens who are likely experiencing similar life experiences to both give and receive help from one another. In order to create this environment, there are certain guidelines that need to be agreed upon by each participant. Peer to Peer support is not meant to replace any private or school-based therapy.

Teen Talk Virtual Adoption Support Group meets Mondays  7pm – 8pm.

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Hours :
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TBRI® Fall Virtual Online Training

ANY parents of kids and caregivers who’ve had trauma — take a FREE, VIRTUAL TBRI® training offered for the first time in the evenings (Tuesday from 5:30-7:00, Sept. 24th – Dec. 17th), with trained therapists from The Baby Fold in Illinois. A zoom link will be sent to registered attendees closer to class time along with manuals for each section.