NTI Customized Support for Schools and School Districts

Once you’ve made the decision to be an iCARE4 Adoptive And Foster Families School, the next steps are easy!

  1. Decide which school staff members will take the NTI Adoption Competency Training for Mental Health Professionals and your goal date for completion. (We recommend one administrator and at least one support staff complete the trainings.)
  2. Contact laura@icare4aaff.org for next steps.
  3. Start training right away by clicking on the NTI training link at icare4aaff.org or Meet with C.A.S.E. Education Implementation Specialist for a customized approach to your school training including the following options:
    • Welcome and Introduction meeting for your staff
    • Customized 4, 6, 8 or 12 week pacing guides provided
    • Customized learning cohorts with free coaching sessions 
    • Customized learning community opportunities
    • Customized refresher training
    • Optional Professional Development training for teachers 
  4. Have school support staff complete training.
  5. Take part in optional coaching sessions.
  6. Submit completion certificates to iCARE4aaff.org for listing on our website.
Support doesn’t stop with completion! 

You will have comprehensive consultation from your C.A.S.E. Education Implementation Specialist with the support from our iCARE4 Adoptive And Foster Families team of expert clinicians and educators. 

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Hours :
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TBRI® Fall Virtual Online Training

ANY parents of kids and caregivers who’ve had trauma — take a FREE, VIRTUAL TBRI® training offered for the first time in the evenings (Tuesday from 5:30-7:00, Sept. 24th – Dec. 17th), with trained therapists from The Baby Fold in Illinois. A zoom link will be sent to registered attendees closer to class time along with manuals for each section.